Ye Qifa | Hepatic and Gall Diseases Research Institute

Ye Qifa | Hepatic and Gall Diseases Research Institute

Chief physician, professor

Executive vice director of ZNWU Hepatic and Gall Diseases Research Institute, professor, chief physician, professor, doctoral student tutor; standing committee member of Chinese Organ Transplantation Society, member of Chinese Surgery Association Organ Transplantation Panel, expert of National Medical Accident Inspection Surgery Panel, expert of Chinese Medical Association General Surgery Liver Transplantation Panel, expert of Ministry of Health Human Organ Transplantation Clinical Application Committee, Ministry of Education overseas study final review expert, Ministry of Education key discipline final review expert, National Natural Science Foundation reviewing member, member of International Liver Transplantation Society, and director of Ministry of Health Transplantation Medicine Research Center. The professor is best known for treatment concerning thyroid, mammary gland, liver, gall, pancreas, spleen, gastrointestinal surgery, portal hypertension, etc.