Scientific Researches


The hospital has been adhering to the strategy of “develop the hospital through unique features and competitive scientific researches”. Innovative mechanisms have been applied to improve research management and evaluation, and to encourage scientific researches. Through continuous efforts, the research capacity has been improving through the years. The hospital has made significant achievements in scientific research, talents cultivation, discipline platform build, and international communication and cooperation, etc.


In recent years, the hospital has undertaken over 1000 national, provincial and ministry-level research projects, including “973” and “863” projects, public health projects, key scientific research projects, National Natural Science Foundation of China  key/interdiscipline/youth research projects, and provincial or city level projects, and has received more than 100 awards for scientific researches, including Hubei Outstanding Science and Technology Contribution Prize and Hubei Science and Technology Progress First Prize, etc. There are over 1000 research papers included in SCI. Many famous scholars have the privileges of holding important academic titles with international and domestic journals, Chinese Medical Association, provincial and city level medical societies/associations.


The Research Department is the administration authority that regulate scientific researches of the hospital. Under direct leadership of Vice President Xie Wei, the department is staffed by Huang Jianying as the director and other 10 workers. The department has several divisions including: project office, research result office, general office, drug clinical test office, medical ethics committee secretariat, and animal experiment center, etc. reproductive medicine ethics committee is also under regulation of the department. 

The Research Department integrated planning, organization, coordination and regulation in routine work so as to improve quality of management. The mission is to provide researchers with meticulous, considerate and faithful services.