2017-03-01 12:58:47

French Minister of Social Affairs and Health Ms. Marisol TOURAINE visited our hospital


(Correspondent : Zhou WenTing)On February 23rd, French Minister of Social Affairs and Health Ms. Marisol TOURAINE visited the hospital.

Secretary of the party committee of our hospital Zhang Yuanzhen, President of our hospital Wang Xinghuan, Vice-President Zhaoyan, Vice-President Zhang Junjian received the delegation. Directors from three administration offices attended the meeting.

On behalf of the hospital, President Wang Xinghuan extended warmest welcome to Ms. Marisol TOURAINE. He gave a brief introduction to over 20 years history in health care cooperation between our hospital and french counterparts. He also highly appreciated the supports from French medical institutions and French hospital.

Vice-President Zhao Yan introduced the development, Sino-French exchange of the hospital and looked forward to strengthening cooperation with French counterparts.


Ms. Marisol TOURAINE has been impressed by the dedication and commitment in health care cooperation. She pointed out gynecology and obstretrics played an important role in medical field and since a healthy baby derived from a healthy mom, national health begins with women’s health. Ms. Marisol TOURAINE hoped that French side will strengthen the cooperation with ZhongNan hospital of WHU in training, science and research, clinic and facilitate mutual development.

After the meeting, Ms. Marisol TOURAINE visited our Emergency Department which is the in China. Emergency Department of our hospital is the first french-mode ER in China.

French Minister of Social Affairs and Health Ms. Marisol TOURAINE visited our hospital