2019-04-04 09:57:09

China-France Ties: Exchange programs boost health service cooperation

The city of Wuhan in central China's Hubei province has a long history in cooperation with France. Medical research and academic exchange are among the many fields. CGTN's Sun Tianyuan visited Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University and shows us the dividends of this cooperation.

This is perhaps the only hospital with both Chinese and French signs in Wuhan.Aside from that, Zhongnan Hospital also has China's first emergency center with a French rescue mode.French Chinese doctor Zhao Yan came in 2005 to take charge.

DR. ZHAO YAN, VICE PRESIDENT ZHONGNAN HOSPITAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY "We use France as a reference to learn from its advanced and mature rescue modes, which is integrating emergency medical treatment before and after admission. We pull our best resources, pushing the ICU's measures to the forefront for the best results."

Zhao says, Wuhan's China-France cooperation in the medical sector started as scholar exchanges.Then, it gradually expanded into medical training after graduation.

DR. ZHAO YAN, VICE PRESIDENT ZHONGNAN HOSPITAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY "We are honored to have support from both sides. Frequent exchanges between high-levels have indeed pushed programs forward and made great progress for medical research exchange."

SUN TIANYUAN WUHAN "As the two nations push ties to new levels, Zhongnan Hospital is also eyeing the future by cultivating talent with an international vision. With a China-France joint education program, the university has provided students and doctors more opportunities to see the world and make use of their knowledge."

Yao Shiyi is one of the 24 students in the class of 2019.Three years ago, she studied at Universite de Lorraine for 6 months.YAO SHIYI, GRADUATE STUDENT ZHONGNAN HOSPITAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY "First, I have to say that I love the language. This program gives me a chance to practice at top French hospitals and meet friends in the field, so I may apply the techniques in my future clinical work."

And for the seniors, the memories are still fresh even years after graduation.

DR. CAO QIAN ZHONGNAN HOSPITAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY "Many of my French colleagues have great interests in China's development. The program is a wonderful way to help both sides know each other, no matter if it's in medical science or culture."

Chinese students and doctors in the exchange program can further study or practice at sister-hospitals in France and vice-versa. Dr. Zhao hopes this momentum can extend further, in both directions.

DR. ZHAO YAN, VICE PRESIDENT ZHONGNAN HOSPITAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY "We hope at the next stage, more French doctors can come to Wuhan and attend resident training at Chinese hospitals."

Zhao says there will be more multicenter-clinical studies on improving triage or the process of quickly examining patients' conditions for faster treatment.

Sun Tianyuan, CGTN, Wuhan, Hubei province.

source: CGTN

China-France Ties: Exchange programs boost health service cooperation