2016-01-05 15:33:06

Italian Pelvic Surgery Expert Gabriele Naldini Visited ZNWU Rectum Anus Surgical Department

(Correspondents Jiang Congqing, Tian Cuiping) April 16, Italian pelvic surgery expert and University of Pisa Affiliated Hospital Pelvic Surgery Center Director Gabriele Naldini visited ZNWU Rectum Anus Surgical Department, and inspected the Rectum Anus Surgery Quality Control Center of Hubei Health and Family Planning Commission.

Professor Naldini said that: “Though we are far away from each other, our jobs are quite similar. I am looking forward to further communication and cooperation between us.” Professor Qian Qun invited Professor Naldini to visit ZNWU sometime convenient in the future. 

Italian Pelvic Surgery Expert Gabriele Naldini Visited ZNWU Rectum Anus Surgical Department