2016-12-23 15:49:42

An open ward-roundscourse in Radiotherapy and chemotherapy thoracic tumor department

An open ward-roundscourse was held in Radiotherapy and chemotherapy thoracic tumor department on 20th december.

Carma Hurt, teacher of College of Nursing in Wuhan University, member of HOPEProject; Mrs. Mao Hongbo, from Nursing Department; Fan Cheng, head nurse of comprehensive medical department;  Zhong Jun, chief of foreign language section,  were invited as distinguished experts of this course.


On 3:00 pm,the course began with Gui Lingli’s welcome speech. At first, an interview video about an advanced cancer patient’s psychological process from discovering the disease to taking  radiochemotherapy was broadcasted. Then followed by a bilingual presentation ,2 interns introduced the background informations and personalities of the patient,analysed the regularity of negative mental state connected with different period in which the patient stayed,and then gave nursing diagnosis and targeted psychological nursing measures based on all those analyses.


Afterwards, a discussion was started.Carma introduced psychological nursing in America ,which has became the most attractive part.


Also, Carma was moved a lot by the open course.With tears in her eyes, she said:Thank you soooo much for helping me to appreciate the spirit on Christmas in China. At last, Mrs Mao delivered an ending speech.


This open course lasted for one and half an hour, everybody participated spoke highly of it. Prepared well, novel pattern, challenging etc.This English course  was a new start, to help promoting our nursing level. 

An open ward-roundscourse in Radiotherapy and chemotherapy thoracic tumor department