2016-12-16 11:23:48

Dr. Carma Erickon-Hurt, official trainer of ELNEC project in US, visited our hospital

(Correspondent Xiao Yun) In 10th-11th December, a two-day senior palliative care training was held by Health School of Wuhan University and the World Health Foundation, which was given by Dr. Carma Eruckon-Hurt. There were more than  70 head-nurses and superior nurses attending the training.

The ELNEC program is an international training program initiated by the City of Hope and the American assocication of Colleges of Nursing in 2000, aimed at improving the knowledge and competence of nurses in terminal care. It has been popularized in 79 countries around the world.

On December.12th, Dr. Carma Erickon-Hurt, the official trainer of United States ELNEC (END-OF-LIFE NURSING EDUCATION CONSORTIUM) project came to our hospital. They have visited the department of comprehensive medical and department of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

In the afternoon, on 3’o clock, Dr. Carma Erickon-Hurt visited Comprehensive Medicine departmrnt Section 3 of our hospital. Dr. Carma came to see two elderly patients with chronic diseases, accompanied by the head nurse and her team. One patient came from Malaysia, they communicated a lot in English, the patient's depression was effectively alleviated.

At last, a discussion was held by head nurse Cheng Fan, Rao He(head nurse of radiotherapy and chemotherapy),Gui Lingli, Chen Huili and other members in Comprehensive Medicine departmrnt Section 3 attended  the discussion.They talked about domestic development of palliative care, discussed about practical problems in clinical work, and also exchanged experiences based upon clinical cases.

"Thanks to Dr. Carma's guidance, the exchange was a rare opportunity to learn foreign experiences in palliative care", said the head nurses.


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Dr. Carma Erickon-Hurt, official trainer of ELNEC project in US, visited our hospital